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NYS Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse is one of the required workshops for state certification. The district provided an online training link by OCFS (Office of Children and Family Services) but completing this is your professional responsibility to maintain your state certification. It needs to be completed and then uploaded to your TEACH account before 4/1/25. Some of you may have completed this requirement last school year when the district sent us the link, so you do not have to do it again this year. You do need to make sure that you uploaded the training and verify that it was received by checking your TEACH account. To do both of those things go to: 

1.Upload training: 

  • You will need to first enter the email that you used when signing into the HSLC NY State Mandated Reporter training portal. 
  • Make sure that the information you provide is the same as the information listed in your TEACH account. 
  • Under Profession, select the Office of Teaching. 
  • For your license number, please leave the prompt blank. 
  • It will next ask for your address.
  • Finally, you get a screen that says ‘Mandated Reporter Certification of Completion Report’ and that NYSED has received your submission. It may take up to 30 days for your training record to be transferred. 

2. Verify on TEACH:

Bond Referendum. In January Farmingdale School district will be holding a special meeting for the purpose of this community voting on a bond referendum that includes 2 propositions. Bond 1; Is for authorizing $22,150,00 to replace roofs and upgrade electrical and related systems in school buildings and facilities. Bond 2 is for authorizing $55,850,00 for reconstruction improvements and additions to Music and Career Technical Education areas at Farmingdale High School. FYI- The next regular BOE Meeting is on 11/6/24

SED Updates. The NY State Education Department has a couple of ‘interesting’ proposals that are being discussed and/or in the works that districts would need to consider and would impact us locally. One thing that was a legislative bill and was signed to be effective July 1, 2025 is requiring school boards to appoint at least one student member who will attend public meetings only. They would be non-voting, unable to participate in executive sessions or other non-public discipline or negotiations meetings. The idea was to have student voices included on BOE's at their meetings, and for them to hear items impacting them. Local districts would decide how this student is selected. There are many concerns that are being brought forward including the impact of some public participation sessions at BOE meetings that these students would be exposed to. Some which can and have become combative or even toxic. There are already students on ~30% of school boards statewide. Be aware that NYSUT is monitoring. 

Another SED proposal and recent discussion at a September hearing is around “Regionalization". According to their website this would be to try to assist schools and districts who are facing hardships due to challenges with teacher recruitment, course offerings, funding etc. This issue is in the discussion phase and once again there are many possible ramifications of this proposal being approved. It would be a big change in how local districts operate. At this point This is another issue NYSUT is closely watching and having staff reach out to State Ed about. You can see a more detailed description of this plan HERE. There are more questions than answers as it relates to this initiative and we know there may be emergency meetings in Nov and plans to try to finalize this in January of 2025, but we will be watching closely and looking for opportunities for us to participate in any public comment period as to the impact on our region.