During November we look forward to the Thanksgiving holiday and I want to start this November Presidents' message to tell you thank you for being such an amazing group of teachers and also great unionists.
In the last few weeks you have shown support by wearing red for ed one national strike as well as for two local LI unions, the Hempstead Classroom Teachers Association (HCTA) and the Lawrence Teachers Association (LTA) who have been working under expired contracts for very extended periods of time. They needed a morale boost because of the difficulty they have been having for over 9 or 8 years respectively. They have had no increases, and in both cases no willingness by their districts to negotiate in good faith. We spend a large portion of our lives at work, and we need to be grateful for the union that works so hard to try and improve workers' quality of life.
I also want to thank you for the donations that you have contributed for the FFT food drive donations to St. Killian's and the district's food banks. Our students and our community will benefit from your donations. Food insecurity affects millions of people in America and it is awesome to know that our food drive will make this holiday season better for members of our local Daler community. Lastly I am wishing you and your wonderful families a fantastic Thanksgiving.